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For Your Information

Here are some frequently asked questions that I tend to receive. If you still have something you’d like to know, feel free to contact me for more details and I will do my best to help you get all the information you need.

My most frequently asked questions ⬇️


"What makes you different from other coaches or in-school support Saffron?”


As a former young anxiety and depression sufferer myself I have enormous empathy, compassion and a fantastic rapport with young people. Parents are often amazed at how their child will happily talk to me online, but no one else! Children are often surprised by how well I relate to their issues - it's because I lived most of these issues myself (and overcame them)!  👊


I'm a former specialist dyslexia teacher with over 25 years experience of supporting and empowering children and parents. 


I'm on an absolute mission that no child will suffer for 20 years without effective mental health and wellbeing support just as I did. 


I’m a lifelong learner and I’m constantly updating my skills and my programmes. I invest in my own training heavily, so that I can bring you the very best and most up to date support and methods.



"Why should I invest in your support?”


I teach you and your child/teen (together) a powerful, transformational toolkit to enable your child to confidently navigate life's challenges. Most parents tell me that they use the toolkit themselves to support their own wellbeing - what a win-win!


When you work with me you have lifetime access to me and my advice. Once you've finished the course. I keep the door open so that even years later you can still message me for a listening ear or advice. 


Of course there are ways you can get free support, advice and training, but honestly how often have you taken part in free workshops and found that they fully met your needs?


I love a freebie too, but have rarely found that I get what I want and need for free. Many parents take part in free workshops and sessions then contact me feeling confused, burnt out, stuck and frustrated. 


Most importantly though, when you work with me you work with a highly experienced, engaging, compassionate and non judgemental life coach, mindfulness and positive psychology practitioner. I meet you and your child exactly where you are - if your child has additional needs you'll find my approach extremely flexible and intuitive.



“What if my child is nervous to attend the sessions via Zoom?”


For all parents considering the 5 week Empowering Solutions Programme I offer a free 20 minute Zoom Discovery session to put yours and your child’s mind at ease that this is the right programme for you. The Discovery session has proved very successful. I never pressure clients to book as I want this to be the right fit for you, but so far 98% of attendees have gone on to book the Empowering Solutions programme (most of them immediately after the call!). As a specialist teacher I worked with children with a diverse range of needs and so my approach is vey flexible. I respect the fact that every child is unique and that’s why my approach can be tailored to meet their specific needs. I am proud of the rapport I have with young people and by our second parent and child session even the most nervous children are often talking to me with ease online.



"What does your 5 week Empowering Solutions programme for children and teens involve?”


In the Empowering Solutions Programme I use my own AWE Signature Method which incorporates evidence based life-coaching strategies with positive psychology, mindfulness and (where applicable) therapeutic art activities. I am extremely passionate about empowering parents and young people and my clients tell me time and again that my unique coaching programme is absolutely "life changing".


This solution focused therapy is usually much shorter than many other therapeutic methods and we make great gains in just 5 weeks.


In these bespoke sessions we work through a clearly structured, solution-driven process. We use the Wheel of life tool to gain an accurate picture of the outcomes we wish to achieve. Once we have clarity with regards to the key issues, we design a step by step route map together. Week by week we put together a simple but highly effective lifelong mental health toolkit and the child/teen is given simple weekly action plans to practice at home to encourage positive reflection and discussion. Week on week both the parent and child will implement new ideas and gain tools and strategies to enable them to be resilient, confident and in control. Once you have completed this programme you will not need to spend money on any other anxiety busting therapy programmes - you’ll have everything you need here to empower your child to navigate life’s twists and turns with confidence and ease!

Some of the areas we can cover in the sessions include:

  • Understanding your emotional brain

  • Emotional Regulation strategies

  • Bespoke support and strategies for specific issues including anxiety, friendship challenges, bullying, social skills development, sibling relationships, sleep issues etc.   

  • Confidence, empowerment and resilience building techniques

  • Laddering your way to success - ideal for overcoming blocks such as phobias, self-doubt or fears 

  • Support with a positive morning and evening routine 

  • Creating an empowering toolkit of positive mental health strategies using mindfulness, positive psychology and emotion coaching techniques

  • Mindful Arts and crafts activities (where appropriate)

What sets this programme apart from the others is that for all children aged 16 and under, I invite the same parent to stay present throughout the the 5 weeks and I liaise with parents outside of sessions to monitor and review progress (whereas most therapists work just with the child). In my experience, when both the parent and young person are practising the strategies together, we can ensure powerful and long lasting results. 


There is a weekly “happiness homework” to practise in order to reinforce the strategies learned. I also offer a monthly catch-up service for any parents/young people, who choose to work with me for a few extra strategy sessions after the support is completed. 



"What does your Emotional Wellbeing Power Hour for children and teens involve?”


The Emotional Wellbeing Power Hour is a simple, cost effective first step to helping your child to understand themselves better and meet their own emotional and wellbeing needs.

It is similar to the 5 week programme, but ideal for those on a tighter budget.

This will set you well on your way to lifetime positive mental health with some simple user friendly strategies to practise on a daily basis.

During the 1-2 session we run through the programme booklet and you learn a simple relaxation toolkit and a daily action plan for lifelong positive mental health. Some of the areas we can cover in the session include:

  • Understanding your emotional brain

  • Emotional Regulation strategies for all ages, interests and abilities

  • Creating an empowering toolkit of positive mental health strategies using mindfulness, positive psychology and emotion coaching techniques

  • Mindful Arts and crafts activities (where appropriate)


These are by no means the only support programmes I offer. If you can’t find what your looking for or would like to talk to me about any of the programmes listed please get in touch for a free brief phone consultation to discuss your needs.

Saffron Cooksey - Calmer Minds

©2023 by Saffron Cooksey - Anxiety Recovery & Wellbeing Specialist

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