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School Staff Training

Empowering staff to improve learner wellbeing

Anti-Anxiety Approach OR Mindful in nature

Anti Anxiety Approach

is a 1 Day Event for Wellbeing Staff


This is a comprehensive staff training programme which includes a 70 page manual. The programme is designed to help staff and students identify and understand the causes and effects of anxiety and provides a step by step approach with numerous exercise and strategies to help students effectively handle their anxious thought and feelings. The programme includes individualised, paired and group work exercises which can be used as and when needed OR if used weekly it will take a minimum of a term to complete all the exercises and strategies.


Maximum number of attendees is to be discussed

Cost is dependant on location and number of attendees 

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Mindful in Nature

Is a 1 day staff training for Primary Schools


Staff will learn to deliver a 4 step Outdoor Mindfulness Programme to students from Nursery to Year 6. 

Mindful in Nature is a 6 week programme which includes 6 done for you lesson plans so staff will not be expected to plan their own lessons. However, there are approximately 20 activity suggestions given for each step, in case they choose to plan extra sessions themselves, so as to extend this popular programme. Not only does this programme fit in well with the new Curriculum for Wales, but once completed staff have reported an improvement in student behaviour, focus and motivation.  

This comprehensive training program includes a 44 page printable booklet. 


Maximum number of attendees is to be discussed

Cost is dependant on location and number of attendees 

Above is a breakdown of the 4 steps and below is some feedback from previous training.

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Saffron Cooksey - Calmer Minds

©2023 by Saffron Cooksey - Anxiety Recovery & Wellbeing Specialist

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